Newsletter Article August 2024

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NACSO in the news

As the House enjoys its recess until September 9th, the Senate remains in session through Friday before taking its August break. This week promises significant legislative activity, particularly focused on children’s online privacy and appropriations. Here are the three major stories around the Beltway:

1. Senate’s Privacy Push
The Senate is poised to vote on the Kid’s Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act 2.0 (COPPA 2.0), with strong industry backing. While the Senate’s passage seems likely, the bills’ future in the House remains uncertain until sessions resume in September.

2. Appropriations Recap and Outlook
With a looming September 30th deadline, Congress faces an uphill battle to complete the appropriations process. The likelihood of passing all funding bills on time is slim, suggesting a continuing resolution may be necessary.

3. SCOTUS Reform Endorsed by Biden
President Biden has called for significant reforms to the U.S. Supreme Court, including term limits and a binding ethics code for justices. These proposed changes come in the wake of several controversies and aim to strengthen public trust in the judicial system.

Stay tuned as we continue to track these and other important developments in Washington.

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Many companies are required to report information to FinCEN about the individuals who ultimately own or control them. FinCEN began accepting reports on January 1, 2024. Learn more about reporting deadlines here –


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